Low and behold, I came to the realization that I need to do a lot more posting before I will get readers...yes I am just that smart.
I still have not seen "Pineapple Express", it's still on my list of things to do though. I am going to the movie tonight, but I will be seeing "Journey to the Center of the Earth", because it's 3D and I have NEVER EVER seen a movie in 3D before! I'm actually very excited, yes, I am a sad little earthling. I've heard it's more of a kids movie but aren't we all just BIG kids deep down? I can't wait to look like a huge dork in those 3D glasses! I will even wear them after the movie is over, haha. You can be sure I will let you know my take of the movie after I view it. If anyone else has seen it, lemme know what you thought, k?
I found out I do have some traffic to my blog, so thanks to all those people who took the time to read here! I will try to get my arse in gear and post more often.
Virtually Yours,
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